Led to Water

Blog as I work through my miniature painting hobby

  • Painting Competitions for Growth

    Painting Competitions for Growth

    My apologies for missing my post last week. My beloved Tasha cat passed away Saturday, basically shutting down most coherent thought. She was a total angel, and now she’s a real angel. I spent the last month painting and submitting a model for the One Page Rules monthly painting contest. I did not place, sadly….

  • If I Was Starting Over

    If I Was Starting Over

    If my house burned down and knowing what I know now, what would I get to begin miniature painting again? “I’ve found [Michael’s] is a little pricey, but has probably the best overall selection for certain things as compared to dedicated art stores…” I had some insomnia last night. It took me quite a while…

  • Gesso airbrush experiments

    Gesso airbrush experiments

    We have a winner! I’ve been experimenting with different mediums to thin my gesso through an airbrush and I think I’ve got something that works. I’m running this using Golden Artist Colors (Golden) black gesso. Airbrush tip is .3. 40 PSI/2.75 bar. I’d also let these dry at least 6 hours unless specified otherwise. When…

  • Primers.


    Rattlecan. Airbrush. Brush-on. These are the primers that we as miniature painters are so often slaves to in our hobby. We need these to do our jobs, and not using them places our work at risk and can limit our ability to create what we want to create. Some have said priming is optional, and…

  • Artist Products for Minis

    Artist Products for Minis

    I’ve been sick all week this week, so I don’t have a good post to make. But I wanted to share a list of the artist products I use when I’m miniature painting. I like using artist products because they a) are typically cheaper dollar-for-dollar, b) are easier to get hold of and c) if…

  • Is Army Painter Fanatic Bad for the Industry? Not really.

    Is Army Painter Fanatic Bad for the Industry? Not really.

    This week Army Painter released their new Warpaints Fanatic lineup. The painting community has come to just call these Fanatics, and I think that makes more sense. And they’re primed for a duopoly with Citadel. Fanatics are, by all reviews so far, great paints. These paints totally undo the issues with the original Warpaints line…

Aaron “Animortis” S.

I’m a marketing, public relations, and software development manager with a deep interest in art and the miniature painting hobby. Here in South Florida, I found that there just wasn’t a lot of miniature wargames being played, and so I interact with my games through my paintbrush and the occasional Battletech game. I’ve been painting for a year and love what I do.